Message: “S.3 E.29 Death Afterlife Gender and Race: Megan Westra” from Daniel Hodge

Daniel Hodge - August 1, 2017

Episode 1__ My Profane Faith A Story

Episode 1__ My Profane Faith A Story

Well Hodge gets in the hot seat and pours out his own faith journey. Now you can see what made him who he is and how he ended up, well, like this. Bear with this, it's long, but so worth it.

From Series: "Profane Faith"

A podcast that engages faith, on the margins. Faith that has been labeled, profane, non-conformist, and/ or “out there.” We’ll be exploring the intersections of the sacred, secular, and profane to find God. Profane Faith is a Dauntless Media Collective podcast. Visit for more content.

The full and unedited episode     Hodge's website

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