Message: “S.2 E.15 Remembering Dr. James Hal Cone” from Daniel Hodge

Daniel Hodge - February 25, 2018

S.2. E.2 Star Wars and the Racialized Universe: Kate Sanchez

S.2. E.2 Star Wars and the Racialized Universe: Kate Sanchez

Star Wars is such a grand universe. But, a universe that big surely has to have some POC...right? I mean, maybe a purple alien or two? Well, this week I bring back Kate Sanchez to discuss race, gender, and socio-politics in the new episode of the Star Wars saga. Kate's genius insight brings to the surface some of the long standing racial issues the saga has struggled with. Hold on, our hyper-drives are warming up!

From Series: "Profane Faith"

A podcast that engages faith, on the margins. Faith that has been labeled, profane, non-conformist, and/ or “out there.” We’ll be exploring the intersections of the sacred, secular, and profane to find God. Profane Faith is a Dauntless Media Collective podcast. Visit for more content.

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