Message: “S.5 E.18 Navigating Ideological Mines in Church Work: Heather Haginduff” from Daniel Hodge

Daniel Hodge - August 22, 2022

S.6 E.25 Silencing White Noise: Rev. Dr. Willie Dwayne Francois III

S.6 E.25 Silencing White Noise: Rev. Dr. Willie Dwayne Francois III

Our season finale is here! What a season it's been! We end on a great note by discussing Dr. Francois' new book and engaging with what that all means in this era. Check it out and see you all in season 7! Profane Faith is a Dauntless Media Collective podcast. Visit for more content.

From Series: "Profane Faith"

A podcast that engages faith, on the margins. Faith that has been labeled, profane, non-conformist, and/ or “out there.” We’ll be exploring the intersections of the sacred, secular, and profane to find God. Profane Faith is a Dauntless Media Collective podcast. Visit for more content.

Dr. Francois on them Twitters     Dr. Francois' Church     Silencing White Noise (His Book)     Willie on the Gram

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